Minecraft server jar
Minecraft server jar

minecraft server jar minecraft server jar

This has a moderate effect on performance. The max-entity-collisions value will affect how often and how much entities collide. Mob farms and player traps cause collisions. This value changes how often inventories are refreshed when opened, any value above 4 will result in visual bugs. Optimized: true container-update-tick-rate Turning it off results in minor performance improvements. Every tick, all chests in Minecraft check to see if a cat is sitting on top of them, this rarely is used in game-play. We get it, Mojang loves having the Minecraft cats be like IRL cats with them getting in our way. Changing this to 2 slightly improves server performance, but this is a good number to be aware of if users take advantage of the spawners. This value changes the delay of the spawners' spawning. Mob spawners, like the ones that spawn in classic dungeons, are often used as a source for mob grinders. These performance improvements are not as impactful as others on this list. Paper's algorithm for explosions has no effect on game-play, but is not as impactful on the server. Do not go lower than 6 for the value, it may result in unsaved or corrupted chunks.

minecraft server jar

"Max Auto Chunks Per Tick" refers to how fast the incremental chunk saving is during the "world save" task. This section mostly comes from the work of Celebrimbor with some changes and updates for some of the settings. We will note what the changes do and what they may affect. Editing it will change how Paper runs the server. Network-compression-threshold: -1 view-distance:4 PaperMC ChangesĪfter Paper runs for the first time you will see a file called paper.yml, this a config file. I would recommend keeping it at 4 for lower end hardware hosting the server and 10 for higher end. In the server.properies files you can change the compression threshold and the default view distance. XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=60 -XX:G1NewSizePercent=35 Optimization Server Properties Open a Terminal with SUPER+ T (Pop!_OS) or CTRL+ ALT+ T (Ubuntu) run the following commands: Nmap is a network scanner that we will use for testing and network configuration. Screen will allow us to run commands on the server in an isolated environment - think of it as a virtual terminal instance you can connect to and disconnect from. Downloading the Minecraft Server Jar, we put the file in the directory directly, instead of using a web browser.


Wget will allow us to download the Minecraft Server from Mojang.


To install the Minecraft server, we will need to install Java (listed as default-jdk), wget, screen, and nmap.ĭefault-jdk is the language in which Minecraft runs - we are also marking the Java version as "held" so no future updates are applied (some java updates can break the server). This article will use mostly Terminal commands, if you want a refresher on the terminal you can see our article here. Any hard drive over 128GB will work for a basic Minecraft server, a drive of 1TB to 2TB is recommended for having backups. System76 and Mojang recommend having an 8GB minimum of system RAM but 16GB is preferred.


In this article, we will be going over how to set up a Minecraft server on your Pop!_OS or Ubuntu install. Minecraft 1.17 was released on June 8, 2021.

Minecraft server jar